SECTION II: Personal Affections*
4. Contemplative Affections
Wonder. –N. marvel, astonishment, amazement, wonderment, bewilderment, amazedness, admiration, awe, stupor, stupefaction, stound, fascination, sensation, surprise, cynosure, note of admiration, thaumaturgy (sorcery).
[Absence of wonder.] Expectance. –N. expectancy (expectation), calmness, composure, tranquillity, serenity, coolness, imperturbability.
*Or those which concern one’s own state of feeling.
Thesaurus of Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget, M.D., F.R.S. Enlarged by John Lewis Roget, M.A., New Edition Revised and Enlarged by Samuel Romily Roget, M.A. Published by Grosset & Dunlap, the edition is copyright 1941, 1947.
Photo of post office window at night, Bristol, RI