Breaking from verb aspects to approach from a different angle. Plan is to mine photos I've taken over the years, to choose what grabs my heart and squeezes. With that photo, I'll pose a question.
One source is a brief conversation I had yesterday, where the notion of trust was raised, and I wondered whether trust is about asking questions as well as answering them. Another source, resting always in the back of my mind anyway, is Roland Barthes. In Camera Lucida, translated by Richard Howard, Barthes writes: "I see photographs everywhere, like everyone else, nowadays; they come from the world to me, without my asking; they are only 'images', their mode of appearance is heterogeneous. Yet, among those which had been selected, evaluated, approved, collected in albums or magazines and which had thereby passed through the filter of culture, I realized that some provoked tiny jubilations, as if they referred to a stilled center, an erotic or lacerating value buried in myself (however harmless the subject may have appeared);..."