from the observer eye
is a complete world
no place for me
still, to record
in wonder
is something
what it looks like
from the observer eye is a complete world no place for me still, to record in wonder is something We cannot see behind ourselves, but we can hear behind ourselves. From all directions, sound flows in.
from Meltwater in Underland: A Deep Time Journey by Robert Macfarlane Here in the shadows, space and time spill into one another. If life exists it is the slow life of rock, it is the sea's patient exploration of the mountain's inside.
from Red Dancers in Underland: A Deep Time Journey by Robert Macfarlane Some context for the photo. I was on that same walk from home to pharmacy and back. Day whatever of the pandemic. (even typing that feels surreal, as I know it does for so many). I came to this rock at the edge of one of the big houses lining either side of the road and saw the little creature resting there. I didn't want to touch it because the virus is telling us don't. It looked brand new and looked as if it had been placed there deliberately. Don't feel moved or sad by it, the virus told me. It isn't real. So maybe the photo isn't about an emotional reaction to something keyed to create a sense of affection. Maybe the photo is about the spillage of space and time into one another. Or the way the spillage of space and time into one another during a pandemic upends all our usual anchors and keys. |
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