therefore adv. For that reason; consequently; hence: Your information is inaccurate and your conclusion therefore wrong. Often used as a conjunction: I lost my money; therefore, I could not buy a ticket.
then adv. 1. At that time in the past: I was younger then. 2. Next in time, space, or order; immediately afterward. 3. At another time in the future: "now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face" (I Corinthians 13:12). 4. In that case; accordingly. 5. In addition; moreover; besides. 6. Yet; on the other hand.
subsequently adv. Usage: Subsequent, subsequent to (used prepositionally), and subsequently are employed, in the sense of later, in the following typical constructions: a subsequent discussion; a discussion held subsequent to the meeting; a discussion held subsequently.
still adv. 1. Without movement; motionlessly: stand still. 2. Up to or at the time indicated; now as before; yet: "The river was still belly-swollen from last week's rain (Alan Sillitoe). 3. In increasing amount or degree: still further complaints. 4. Nevertheless; all the same. 5. Archaic & Regional. Always; constantly.
so adv. 1. In the manner described, shown, expressed, implied, or indicated; thus: "She became his loyal friend and remained so to the end" (Constantine Fitzgibbon). 2. To the amount or degree expressed or understood; in such quantity or to such an extent: He was so weary that he fell. 3. To a great extent; to such an evident degree: But the idea is so obvious. 4. Because of the reason given; consequently; as a result: He was weary and so he fell. 5. Approximately that quantity, amount, or number; thereabouts: ten dollars or so. 6. Too; also; likewise: You were on time and so was I. 7. Then; apparently. Used in expressing astonishment, disapproval, or sarcasm: So you think you've got troubles? 8. In truth. Used to reply to doubt: You aren't. I am so.
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