Size –N. magnitude, dimension, bulk, volume; largeness; greatness; expanse; amplitude, mass; proportions. capacity; tunnage; calibre, corpulence, obesity, plumpness; hugeness; enormity, immensity, monstrosity. giant, monster, mammoth; whale, porpoise, behemoth, leviathan, elephant, hippopotamus; colossus; lump, bulk, block, loaf, mass, clod, nugget, bushel, thumper, whopper, spanker, strapper, mountain, mound, heap.
Littleness. –N. smallness; exiguity, inextenion, parvitude; epitome, microcosm; rudiment; vanishing point, thinness. dwarf, pygmy, midget, chit, pigwidgeon, urchin, elf; doll, puppet; mannikin, dapperling, fingerling, dandiprat, scalawag, animalcule, monad, mite, insect, emmet, fly, midge, gnat, shrimp, minnow, worm, maggot, microbe, micro-organism, grub, runt, mouse, mustard-seed; pebble, mole-hill, button, bubble. point; atom; fragment; powder.
Thesaurus of Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget, M.D., F.R.S. Enlarged by John Lewis Roget, M.A., New Edition Revised and Enlarged by Samuel Romily Roget, M.A. Published by Grosset & Dunlap, the edition is copyright 1941, 1947.