Internal conditions
Intrinsicality. - N. inbeing, inherence, inhesion, immanence; subjectiveness; ego; essence; essentialness &c. ADJ. essential part, essential stuff, substance, quintessence, incarnation, quiddity, gist, pith, core, kernel, marrow, sap, life-blood, backbone, heart, soul, life, flower; important part &c. (importance)
External conditions
Extrinsicality. - N. objectiveness, non ego; extraneousness &c.; accident; letter of the law. ADJ. derived from without; objective; extrinsic; extraneous &c; (foreign); modal, adventitious, additional, supervenient, fortuitous; incidental, casual, accidental, unessential, non-essential, accessory. implanted, ingrafted, instilled, inculcated. outward &c. (external)
Thesaurus of Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget, M.D., F.R.S. Enlarged by John Lewis Roget, M.A., New Edition Revised and Enlarged by Samuel Romily Roget, M.A. Published by Grosset & Dunlap, the edition is copyright 1941, 1947.