Interval –N. interspace; separation; break, gap, opening; hole; chasm, hiatus, caesura; interruption, interregnum; interstice, lacuna, cleft, mesh, crevice, chink, rime, creek, cranny, crack, chap, slit, slot, fissure, scissure, rift, flaw, breach, fracture, rent, gash, cut, leak, dike, ha-ha, gorge, defile, ravine, crevasse, cañon, abyss, abysm; gulf; inlet, frith, strait, gully, gulch, nullah; pass; notch; furrow; parenthesis (interjacence); void (absence); incompleteness.
Contiguity. –N. contact, proximity, apposition, juxtaposition, touching; abutment, osculation; meeting, appulse, appulsion, rencontre, rencounter, syzygy, coincidence, conjunction, coexistence; adhesion. borderland; frontier (limit); tangent.
Thesaurus of Words and Phrases by Peter Mark Roget, M.D., F.R.S. Enlarged by John Lewis Roget, M.A., New Edition Revised and Enlarged by Samuel Romily Roget, M.A. Published by Grosset & Dunlap, the edition is copyright 1941, 1947.