Okay. Start over.
Comparison is the way to force revelation, whether of self or other, but probably, as usual, mostly of self.
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Comparing apples and oranges is a way to end a conversation.
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What's in the box?
Is the box better than the plastic bottle?
Why do we need to carry water around with us? Is it that we miss the cigarette, with its ability to lend flair and panache while also agitating and consequently soothing the nerves? As a species, that we many of us need to always be doing something with our hands makes sense to me. It might be time to return to the pacifier, or try rosary beads, or the fidget (is that what it's called?). Pick nits from the pelt of the nearest creature, and here, nits can also be aphids, dried leaves, ticks, fleas, the best almonds on the chocolate honey cake, etc., and the nearest creature, well, there are so many to choose from.
Okay. Start over.
Boxed Water Is Better period; all caps; teardrop with a registered trademark symbol.
Says who?